York Cricket club has been based at Clifton Park since 1967 and boasts two cricket pitches of outstanding quality, the main square being host to Yorkshire County Cricket Club fixtures gaining First Class Status in 2019. The Ground is serviced by the newly modernised pavilion on the main square and state of the art scoreboard, creating a fantastic cricket experience for both players and spectators alike. The 2nd pitch opened the Dan Woods Pavilion in 2022, a brand new changing room facility built in memory of our past captain. The club runs four senior sides with the 1st XI as 2 time winners of the ECB Yorkshire County Premier League North which replaced the Yorkshire League in 2016. The remaining three Saturday teams compete in the York & District Senior Cricket League. Our newly Formed Woman's and Girls team provides an excellent opportunity for players of all standards to get involved in, what is one of the fastest growing woman's sports in the country. We are also very proud of our commitment to junior cricket and runs sides in ALL the junior age groups from Under 9 to Under 19s.