York Cricket Club puts on record it's thanks to all supporters, committee members and more especially the volunteers that make the Club what it is today.
Position | Name | Contact Details | |
Chairman | Nigel Durham | 07855493177, nigel.durham@york.nhs.uk | |
President | Clive Robinson | 07724760480, clive.rob@outlook.com | |
Director of Cricket | Ian Dews | 07976788454, directorcricket.yorksportsclub@gmail.com | |
Secretary | Nick Kay | 07815809596, kaybo79@hotmail.com | |
Treasurer | Nick Kay | 07815809596, kaybo79@hotmail.com | |
Fixture Secretary | Nick Kay | 07815809596, kaybo79@hotmail.com | |
Club Welfare Office | Tom Bates | 07837061267, tomjbates93@gmail.com | |
Club Welfare Office | Matthew Huffer | 07720970503, matthew.huffer@bettysandtaylors.co.uk | |
Clifton Park Cobras Coordinator | Robert Flack | 07903755643, bertyflack@hotmail.com | |
Groundsman | Ben Harris | 07846181185, benharris399@gmail.com | |
Junior Cricket Chairman | Mark Burn | 07715051995, mark.burn@icloud.com | |
U9 Manager | Tom Bates | 07837061267, tomjbates93@gmail.com | |
U11 manager | Tom Bates | 07837061267, tomjbates93@gmail.com | |
U13 Manager | Mark Burn | 07715051995, mark.burn@icloud.com | |
U15 Manager | Matthew Scurry |
All Stars Activator | Tom Bates | 07837061267, t.bates@yorkshirecb.com | |
1st XI Captain | David Brent | 07788985745, Brenty527111986@yahoo.co.uk | |
2nd XI Captain | Tom Forsdike | 07542026799, tom.forsdike.64@gmail.com | |
3rd XI Captain | Tony Hall | 07463669669, tonyh5827@gmail.com | |
4th XI Captain | Matthew Huffer | 07720 970503, matthew.huffer@bettysandtaylors.co.uk |